Musical Terms: Jarabe - Just intonation

Jarabe The jarabe is one of the most traditional song forms of the mariachi genre. In the Spanish language, jarabe literally means syrup.
Jazz band A jazz band (or jazz ensemble) is a musical ensemble that plays jazz music usually without a conductor. Jazz bands usually consist of a rhythm section and a horn section.
Jazz harmony Jazz harmony is the harmonic idiom or harmonies used in jazz.
Jazz scale A jazz scale is a musical scale used in jazz. Many "jazz scales" are common scales drawn from Western European classical music, possibly with an additional note inserted to add a jazz sound coloring, such as a particular chromatic passing tone as in the "bebop scales", or a blue note.
Jug band A jug band is a band employing a jug player and a mix of traditional and home-made instruments.
Just intonation In music, just intonation is any musical tuning in which the frequencies of notes are related by ratios of whole numbers.

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